Transforming The Network For Profitable Delivery of High-speed DSL Using Broadband Over Copper
Join our webinar - Thu, Oct 1, 2015 1:00 PM CDT
Offering competitive, high speed ADSL and VDSL2 services profitably mandates transforming the network to maximize performance and efficiency on three dimensions:
- Leveraging the installed base to reach more customers with higher speed DSL services from existing DSLAMs
- Judiciously deploying new, smaller IP DSLAMs efficiently at the right location to enhance performance
without inordinately driving up backhaul and installation costs - Building more efficient backhaul networks with no sacrifice in reliability
Only by balancing all three of these factors can the network be truly optimized to deliver high speed services and maximize eligibility for government grants such as the CAF Phase I and II programs.
Join OSP and Actelis Networks to learn how to achieve a complete, flexible and future proof transformation of your DSL network with high performance broadband over copper. Actelis’ DSL Transformation solutions leverage high performance bonded copper and innovative ADSL and VDSL2 broadband amplifiers to give operators unprecedented flexibility to choose the most efficient size and placement of DSLAMs, enhance service reach and rate, and minimize backhaul costs – all while enjoying a smooth migration path to fiber backhaul if and where needed in future.
Copper is the Key: Optimizing and Future Proofing ITS Network Transport with Broadband over Copper
Join our webinar - Sep 1, 2015 2:00 PM EDT
More sensors, traffic controllers and electronic signs are needed if the ITS network is to be effectively managed; at the same time, WiFi requirements and traffic and surveillance cameras are driving higher bandwidth requirements than ever before. Building reliable transport everywhere needed to backhaul all these devices is critical, but running new fiber everywhere is expensive and time consuming.
Participate in Actelis Networks' webinar and learn how our broadband over copper solutions can provide extremely reliable Ethernet transport with all the bandwidth you need using only a few readily available copper twisted pairs. Purpose built, field proven, hardened solutions designed for trouble free operation in even the most challenging of environments, the Actelis ITS Solutions not only provide a more cost effective alternative to fiber, but can also leverage fiber where you have it today while enabling a smooth migration path from copper to fiber where desired in future.
Transforming The Economics Of Residential Broadband With VDSL Broadband Amplifiers
Meeting high speed residential broadband service level targets and universal service objectives profitably is impractical with FTTH. But pushing DSLAMs very close to customers to make possible necessary service levels with FTTC simply trades one set of challenges for another. Now far more efficient residential broadband networks can be built that fully leverage the installed base of any vendors’ DSLAMs and DSL modems.
Learn how broadband amplifiers enable you to
- Get more distance and bandwidth out of VDSL2, with or without vectoring
- Enlarge the customer serving area and achieve greater operational efficiencies
- Reduce CapEx and fiber backhaul costs, and accelerate time to market
- Transform the business case for residential broadband