Protect Your Network with Actelis Triple Shield
Cyber security has been a major growing concern across all industries. The number of ransom attacks and security breaches incidents are climbing rapidly, while experts say that more and more companies are paying, and ransom demands are skyrocketing.
Critical infrastructure companies such as utility/energy, ITS as well as military and government are looking to ensure that their communication and control networks based on both fiber and copper infrastructure are protected and secured, preventing any unauthorized access.
Actelis ML600xL new product line offers a comprehensive Triple Shield or 3-tier protection:
(1) Cutting edge 256-bit Encryption – MACSec (IEEE802.1ae) implemented per Ethernet port. HW based , up to 1G , Wire speed, No impact on performance. Enabled per hop or end to end.
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(2) Fragmentation – Encrypted Traffic is fragmented in accordance with the Ethernet in the First Mile (EFM, IEEE 802.3ah) standard making it increasingly hard for an intruder to comprehend the data.
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(3) Scrambling – Fragments are divided across multiple conduits (copper pairs). A link may comprise of 1 and up to 32 pairs acting as one single logical link to the unit but as separate conduits for the intruder.
This set of security mechanisms makes it almost impossible for an intruder to comprehend the transmitted data or succeed in hacking into the system. The hacker would need to gather the information from all lines so it can be de-scrambled – then glue the fragments in the correct order and then decrypt it with the correct decryption key .
Featured Products:
ML600xL Product Line
Actelis ML600xL product line includes –
ML684DLx, ML680DLx, and ML644EL, ML648EL*, ML6916EL
Actelis ML600xL products are advanced managed switches offering high level encryption on bonded copper, fiber (SFPs) and Ethernet ports (RJ-45). Multiple ports per device can be enabled to support encryption (per model).
* ML648EL will be introduced in a future release