
“Frontier Communications has successfully used the  Actelis BBA for years to provide higher service levels  to customers.  Recently, Frontier approved the BBA to  achieve the FCC’s CAF-II requirement to deliver 10/1 Mbps to harder-to-reach customers.  In these areas, BBA will allow Frontier to reach customers with a lower CapEx investment and OpEx expenses compared to fiber-based, loop shortening  access delivery methods.”

Mark Davis, Senior Network Architect Engineer, Frontier

madison logo
“Actelis VBAs allowed us to successfully extend 100 Mb service beyond 4 kft over bonded 2 pairs. Working within a full Vectored binder the VBA was able to extend the benefit of vectoring getting more bandwidth further into the network.

Len Schwartz , vice-President Network Operations,  Madison Communications Company

La jucarita logo
“The ABA 3.0 nearly tripled ADSL downstream rate  and greatly improved circuit stability, for less than
the cost of a truck roll."

Danny Gray, CEO, La Jicarita, Rural Telephone Cooperative

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