Highway England - App Note - Registration

A Seemingly Impossible Story of 4,400 Miles,
Fiber, and Copper
30,000 critical roadside assets need to connect on a new IP network—including Gantry Signs, Signaling, and traffic enforcement CCTV cameras— across 4,400 miles of motorways and major roads.
It’s long been easy to justify the promise of fiber connectivity. Given its sprawling urban reach, the transition to fiber can be relatively simple for most businesses. Barring instances of location-, topographic- or cost-prohibitive factors.
However, with vast projects such as with Highways England, how does one cover thousands of miles with 10’s of thousands of connections and a potential network that runs from the Penzance to Berwick Upon Tweed?
Good question. The short answer? … To read more – Register to download the App-Note