Actelis’ products offer high speed carrier class Ethernet service and transport over bonded VDSL2, ADSL/2/2+ as well as bonded G.SHDSL and Fiber.
Actelis VDSL/ADSL products leverage the combination of its patented and innovative EFMplus suit of technologies with the industry’s Ethernet standards enabling network providers to offer best performance and reliability over bonded-copper links.
Actelis portfolio of Ethernet over bonded VDSL/ADSL can be used to cost effectively deliver 10s and 100s of Mbps to very long distances enabling carries to expand and extend their Ethernet Over Copper services and transport capabilities well beyond the fiber footprint.
Actelis VDSL/ADSL portfolio is used by carriers for the delivery of Business Ethernet services as well as high speed backhaul for mobile, WiFi and residential broadband services.
Actelis' VDSL/ADSL portfolio includes the ML700 that can be used as a CO or NTU/EAD bonding up to 8 pairs. Actelis Broadband Amplifiers* - the VBA optimized for VDSL and the ABA optimized for ADSL allowing carriers to expand and extend VDSL based services and transport.
VDSL remote installation can utilize Actelis Self-Contained compact enclosures with flexible powering options simplifying installations.