Key benefits of the Actelis Residential Broadband Solution are:
Extending the reach and bandwidth of DSL services:
- Enhances both ADSLx and VDSL2 services
- Improves reach in excess of 50% and bandwidth improvement up to 300%
- Reduces CapEx significantly compared to Fiber to the Home (FTTH) and Fiber to the Curb (FTTC) solutions
- Expands the size of the DSLAM’s customer serving area
Leveraging existing DSLAMs, services, and technology:
- Compatible with an installed base of any vendors’ DSLAM and DSL modem equipment
- Coexists with POTS services
- Adds to the performance gains of vectoring
- Can be deployed prior to or after vectoring
Simplifying installation and operation:
- Simple plug and play installation at any convenient splice point
- Requires no changes to CO or CPE equipment
- Line powered, with low power draw and no need for power supplies or the cost of a full regeneration
- Future options in manageability and multi-slot housings
Robust and reliable solution:
- Rugged, environmentally hardened and waterproof for extreme environments
- Very high mean time between failure (MTBF)
- Best-in-class lightning and overvoltage protection
Bottom Line Impact:
- Reduces CapEx and OpEx required to build out enhanced DSL services
- Cuts site acquisition, cabinets and installs required
- Reduces number of sites requiring backhaul
- Enables use of more efficient DSLAMs
- Improves port utilization
- Reuses the installed base
- Optimizes the business case for residential broadband